
Posts Tagged ‘Clothes’

By Prince.

Maybe I have a bad habit or maybe I’m materialistic or maybe I’m making up for all those times when I couldn’t have the things that I wanted; whatever it is I have an insatiable urge to continue to buy more clothes, more shoes and more of everything that gives me comfort.

I have possibly reached a stage where I could go to work for more than 6 months without wearing the same outfit twice. I must begin to exercise more caution with my expenditures on clothes, shoes and trainers. There must be better ways to utilise money-saving or investing for example.

I see my situation as a psychological problem. When I was a boy, I wanted many things but I got little or nothing at all. My parents did the best they could and I really appreciate that. Once I had this rubber shoe to school that lasted only one day. It was so cheap but it was almost worthless in the end.

Many times I didn’t have shoes as a Lagos school boy. I can’t have new school uniform when I wanted one. Don’t even talk about christmas-My mum made our clothes and you can imagine how we always turned out every Dec 25th.

Now that I can afford all these things including as much food as I wanted, perhaps there is nothing wrong with my full closet afterall. And there could be nothing wrong with eating what I wanted and when I wanted it.

I’m not rich but I am comfortable and content with the life that I have now. I hope that I continue have abundance of good health to enjoy the fruits of my toil and sweat.

I must not forget my parents to whom I owe so much.

MQ-My number one shopping place

This is my number one place for shopping.


I found some nice shirts and trousers here recently.

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